Meet the team
Martin Wilson


On the back of a career of two halves – first law, then people development – Martin is currently a personal and leadership coach as well as facilitator, the latter including mindfulness work. It’s involved the private and public sectors, organisations large and small, but more particularly their people. More often – and tellingly – at the interface between people and who they are … in themselves, with others and at work. And in the sometimes fraught space of personal vs organizational needs and leadership. 


He’s been a partner in one of NZ’s largest law firms (with Australian connections), and a principal or partner in his own law firm. Also Acting Group Manager of HR and Communications at a large NZ government agency.  


Martin is a coach of 21 years standing, a good portion involving law firms. Where he’s had a particular emphasis on bringing about greater consensus and coordination between different participants’ ideas and perceptions; melding them into more universally accepted frameworks as a platform for good planning and direction. His work also involves developing stronger wellbeing, work life harmony plus growing careers and leadership (especially personal leadership). Building self awareness – to drive better personal management and relationships with others – is also a key feature. As is developing organisations which are more relevant socially and otherwise, who anticipate and embrace change.


In 2003, Martin co-founded the central region branch of what is now the New Zealand Aotearoa branch of the International Coach Federation Australasia Inc (ICFA). He was a Director of ICFA between 2007 – 2008. 


Martin’s life and work is founded in knowing and growing more whole and integrated ‘alive’ lives in different contexts or circumstances. Such that people and the places they inhabit, feel contributive and productive, enjoying a sense of harmony and growth.

  • BA / LLB (University of Canterbury, NZ)

  • CTP Graduate from Coach U, Coach Inc (USA)

  • LEADR Mediation Training Programme (NZ)

  • John F Kennedy University Shadow Process Programme (California)